The System of Autonomous Driving

  机器人技术在未来的人工智能时代的应用将越来越多,技术也将会随着时间的推移逐渐成熟。 而无论是在当前的工业界还是学术界,机器人技术在无人驾驶上的应用都得到了足够的关注。 无人驾驶汽车是在网络环境下用计算机技术、信息技术和智能控制技术武装起来的汽车, 是有着汽车外壳的移动机器人。而从技术角度讲,自动驾驶需要不同实时系统之间的互操作性,则可分为传感器处理、感知、本地化处理、规划与控制。 要实现自动驾驶,除了算法创新、系统融合之外,还需要来自云平台的支持。

  The application of robotics in the future era of artificial intelligence will be more and more, and the related technology will gradually mature over time. Whether in the current industry or academia, the application of robotics in driverless driving has received sufficient attention. A driverless car is a car that is armed with computer technology, information technology, and intelligent control technology in a network environment. It is a mobile robot with a car casing. From a technical point of view, autopilot requires interoperability between different real-time systems, which can be divided into sensing processing, perception, localization processing, planning and control. In order to achieve automatic driving, in addition to algorithm innovation, system integration, it also needs support from the cloud platform.